
Monday, 29 October 2012

Super-Massive Black Hole Inflates Giant Bubble

Super-Massive Black Hole Inflates Giant Bubble

Some of the active black holes accrete. But I do not believe the content of the black hole particle emission is in a tight, traveling almost at the speed of light. When the river is low, a weak bubble can swallow the whole galaxy is born. Invisible to optical telescopes, bubble at radio frequencies is very significant. International LOFAR Telescope NEW - an international collaboration designed and built by ASTRON - such as it is suitable for detection of low-frequency emissions.

Such a bubble astronomers ever produced one of the best images, LOFAR from 20 to 160 MHz frequencies are used for detection. He is of great importance as a result ", Francesco de Gasperin, the main author of the study published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics is general says." It's a lot of potential LOFAR shows, and the black hole, host, Galaxy, and his close relationship between environment provides compelling evidence. "

LOFAR photo was taken during the test phase, and giant elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo 87 Messier target is at the center of a galaxy cluster. 2000 times the space in the center of our galaxy and one of the most massive black holes discovered till now hosts more than six billion times the mass of our sun with a group.

"This is the first time such high-quality images at these frequencies is possible", Board Chairman Prof. Heino Falcke, says study co-author and "ILT was observed that a challenge - we did not expect such high Best results so early in LOFAR commissioning phase to achieve. "

To determine the age of bubble, writers (USA) in Mexico a huge row, and Bonn (Germany) 100 m Effelsberg radio telescope at different frequencies in the radio add comments. Amazing bubble team found that young, only 40 million years, which is a cosmic time scale is only once.with the particles refilled.

"Especially interesting", Andrea Garching in Physics Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial, Gasperin doctoral work under the supervision of the Director of Merloni says that the energy conversion is violence that occurs very close results provide clues Black hole Black hole jets in this case especially effective to accelerate, and much less effective in producing visible emissions. '

Francesco de Gasperin Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in part of his PhD and Excellence Cluster Universe as demonstrated in the study. Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Hamburg is now de Gasperin.


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