
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Fetuses in the womb, according to new research Yawn

 Fetuses in the womb, according to new research Yawn

ScienceDaily (22November, 2012) - We know that newborn babies hiccup in the womb swallow new observational study, and concluded that they constantly yawn.
Durham and Lancaster universities from 15 healthy fetuses,, 4D scans also suggest that yawning is a developmental process that doctors and potentially the health of a fetus can list.
Research journal, is published on November 21 in PLOS One.
Although some researchers have suggested that fetuses yawn, others disagree and claim it is easy to open mouth.
But new research clearly 'non-yawn open mouth open mouth on a period of' yawning 'distinguished. Researchers working in all cases where the fetus has sustained into the mouth of a 4D video using footage from it.
Using these criteria, new development, the research team found that more than half of opening the mouth yawns observed in the study was made.
Studied eight female and seven male fetuses 24 to 36 weeks gestation was. Researchers have found that yawning 28 weeks in decline and that yawning frequency between boys and girls was no significant difference.
Although the function and significance of yawning is still unknown, the results of study of fetal growth will think that yawning may be associated, and the unborn child's health can provide a further medical indication.
Durham University Psychology Department researchers led by Dr. Nadja Reissland, said: "The results of this study demonstrate that yawning can be observed in healthy fetuses and fetal yawning extends previous work from our longitudinal study shows decreased with increasing age of the fetus yawning.
"Fetuses contrast, we do not contagiously yawn, yawn because he or she is asleep instead of yawning frequency in stomach early gestation will mature brain may be linked.
He said yawning maturation of the central nervous system, but further research involving mother and fetus will be test this theory.


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